15h44m Saturday 14 April
Please choose the card deck you wish to view
Level 1 | Alraune |
Axebeak |
Cactoid |
Cockatrice |
Happy Bunny |
Nidhogg |
Rocktoise |
Rogue Tomato |
Seeq |
Urstrix |
Werewolf |
Level 2 | Anubys |
Clay Golem |
Dustia |
Jelly |
Lesser Chimera |
Nightmare |
Panther |
Silicon Tortoise |
Tyranorox |
Wary Wolf |
Wildsnake |
Level 3 | Bagoly |
Coeurl |
Diresaur |
Dive Talon |
Facer |
Malboro |
Mirrorknight |
Oiling |
Slaven Warder |
Vulture |
Wild Onion |
Level 4 | Alteci |
Basilisk |
Diakon Entite |
Deathscythe |
Gazer |
Gorgimera |
Kris |
Mandragora |
Ose |
Pyrolisk |
Thalassinon |
Level 5 | Aspidochelon |
Avenger |
Crystal Bug |
Dreadguard |
Grimalkin |
Hecteyes |
Ishteen |
Matriarch Bomb |
Nazarnir |
Terror Tyrant |
Vagrant Soul |
Level 6 | Behemoth King |
Daedalus |
Demon Wall |
Elder Wyrm |
Fury |
King Bomb |
Orthros |
Phoenix |
Rafflesia |
Tiamat |
Vinuskar |
Level 7 | Ba'Gamnan |
Enkidu |
Fafnir |
Gijuk/ Rinok |
Gilgamesh |
Judge Bergan |
Judge Drace |
Judge Ghis |
Judge Zargabaath |
Trickster |
Vayne Novus |
Level 8 | Al-Cid |
Emperor Gramis |
Lord Rasler |
Marquis |
Montblanc/Nono |
Reddas |
Reks |
Strahl |
Sword of Kings |
Belias |
Mateus |
Level 9 | Adrammelech |
Chaos |
Cúchulainn |
Exodus |
Famfrit |
Hashmal |
Shemhazai |
Ultima |
Zalera |
Zeromus |
Zodiark |
Level 10 | Ashe |
Balthier |
Basch |
Dr. Cidolfus |
Fran |
Judge Gabranth |
Larsa |
Penelo |
Vaan |
Vayne |
Vossler |